Alternatively, go to 'Get Started' to find more resources such as how the levels work and running a session, or view the full 3 year plan.
By day 5 everything was in place, with sufficient food, warmth and shelter to support animal and human life. ‘Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!’ Gen 1:31
This session celebrates so much of what God created for us to enjoy - the colourful abundance of everything that grows and the vast variety of fish and birds that populate our seas and sky.
After an overview of the order of creation, this session focuses on the awe, wonder and vastness of creation. There is a link to a video of views from the Hubble telescope and, for Levels 1, 2 and 3, the start of a craft showing sea, earth, sun, moon, stars and planets, which builds up to represent the whole of creation over the 3 sessions.
The aim of these sessions is to convey a sense of wonder about the abundance, colour and beauty of everything God created.

Jesus Growing Up
The Bible gives little indication of Jesus’ early life, but we can learn a lot from other sources of what daily life was like at the time he was a boy. In this session we think about the kind of home, food, clothes and teaching Jesus might have had.
This is an important story about Jesus – the day he stayed in Jerusalem talking to the teachers and asking them questions. A fascinating story of Mary and Joseph searching for him for 3 days and then his response about being in his father’s house. Lots to think about!
Jesus’ baptism marks the start of his public ministry and the public endorsement from God the Father whose voice was heard clearly from Heaven ‘This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy’. We think about forgiveness for us, and what it might have felt like to have seen and heard all that happened on that day.
A look at what Jesus' life was like before he started his public ministry. What does the Bible teach us? How do other sources help us?

The booklet children produce here gives details of the practical steps in preparation for a full-immersion baptism, as well as explaining why we get baptised.
The information on baptism is aimed at those who would have opportunity for believers' baptism and includes a useful booklet to complete at all levels.
The aim here is to balance the horror of the flood and the image portrayed in the beautiful cosy Arks and cuddly animals which are so loved by little children!
The story of Noah is one of God's regret and sadness about how people had chosen evil over good, but balanced well by the promise of hope at the end of the story.

Christmas 1️⃣
In this session children make cards and learn about what different Christmas customs and decorations mean.
Some ideas for a Christmas Party - Aslan-style!
The telling of the story of Jesus' birth is based on the Bible Society's 'Well Good News of Jesus' video.
There are lots of Christmas resources spread over the 3-year plan. In this Y1 section, there's a great session on the meaning of Christmas decorations and customs. The other session focusses on the story of Jesus' birth using the Bible Society's 'Well Good News of Christmas'.

First Disciples
An introduction to how Jesus chose his 12 disciples, with the focus on learning their names and talking about the importance of friendship.
Peter and Andrew were told they would be fishers of men. We look at what that means and how important it is to share our faith.
As a Tax Collector, Matthew was an unlikely disciple, but we learn so much about Jesus' transforming love through the calling of this man to follow him.
These resources are a good way to introduce all 12 disciples to children and help them to understand how different each one was.

Miracles and Beatitudes
How amazing to have been at the wedding where Jesus performed his first miracle. A lot to learn from this story, including how much Jesus loves us to enjoy ourselves!
To be able to see after being blind must have been so wonderful. This story gives a good opportunity to discuss how Jesus heals today.
What does it mean to be 'blessed' and how does Jesus explain it? The Beatitudes are central to Jesus' teaching about how to live well.
Jesus performed many miracles, he healed many people and he taught thousands. In these 3 examples we see his extraordinary love, power and wisdom demonstrated.

Mother's Day 1️⃣
Instructions for making Mother's Day cards are at different levels in this session, ranging from cutting and sticking to writing 'thank you' sentences.
Mums or main caregivers love to receive cards on Mother's Day. As well as making cards there are a couple of amusing and joyful videos to watch!

Easter 1️⃣
This session looks at the events right at the heart of Easter - the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus appeared to many people after he rose from the dead. This session looks at those different occasions and how he ascended to heaven after 40 days.
A sad occasion for Jesus, knowing this was the last time he would eat with his disciples. A good opportunity to talk about communion and why we share it in our church services.
Jesus hated the sellers in the Temple taking advantage of people visiting to worship. We don't like to think of Jesus being angry, but on this occasion he was! This story gives an opportunity to discuss 'righteous anger'.
Jesus arrived triumphantly in Jerusalem at the beginning of the worst week of his life. This session looks at following the crowd and how hard it is to stand up for what you believe.
The 5 sessions here cover the last week of Jesus' life and his ascension into heaven.

Joseph is promoted from prison to palace and finally gets to use his prophetic gifting to help the Pharaoh understand his dreams. Egypt is saved from famine and God's purpose is becoming clearer.
Forgiveness enables the family to reunite, and the stage is set for the settlement of God's chosen people in Egypt. It will be 400 years later that God uses Moses to return them to the land of Canaan.
The brothers benefit from Joseph's wisdom in this part of the story, and are saved from starving. Joseph takes his time to reveal who he really is.
What was Joseph like? He is one of the best-known characters of the Bible, but in this story it's clear that he wasn't liked by his brothers. Sibling rivalry is a good topic for discussion here!
Lies, deceit, wrongful imprisonment, prophetic dreams - all these themes are visited in this session. An 'adult' story which requires careful wording and sensitivity when explaining!
There is so much to learn about the unfolding of God's far-reaching plan for his people through Joseph's journey. These resources follow him through the highs and lows of his colourful life.

A look at how Jesus taught us to pray using the Lord's prayer - with some helpful videos to explain the words and sign the prayer.
A simple approach to prayer! If the Lord's prayer is too complicated for the children in your group, this session can be used on its own.
These sessions give an opportunity to think about why we pray, who we pray to and what Jesus taught about prayer.

Jesus Heals
This is a great story of some very determined men and the lengths they go to in order to enable their friend to be healed by Jesus.
Ten lepers were healed - a wonderful miracle! But only one thanked Jesus. The focus of this session is on thankfulness and there is some fact-finding about leprosy for those at Level 4.
The 12-year old daughter of a well-known religious leader was raised from the dead in this remarkable story. An amazing healing miracle.
Three wonderful examples of Jesus healing - a paralysed man, ten lepers and Jairus's daughter.

Moses approached Pharaoh in fear and trepidation, but this story shows that God was in control and would do anything to free his chosen people.
Even after being freed, Pharaoh tried one more time to get the Israelites back to Egypt, but in this amazing story God once again showed his miraculous power to fulfil his plan.
God gave instructions to Moses to build a place of worship that could be dismantled and moved with the Israelites as they travelled to the promised land. This session gives a detailed look at the construction of the Tabernacle.
How well do children know the Ten Commandments? Are they still relevant today? A good opportunity to talk about what they mean and how all the commandments are summed up in Jesus' teaching to love God and love each other.
Finally the Israelites reached the Promised Land. Moses had just died and Joshua led the people across the Jordan river to the first city they were to stake a claim, Jericho.
The six sessions here take us through the life of Moses, from his extraordinary upbringing in Pharaoh's Palace through to his successor Joshua who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Christmas 2️⃣
God hinted at his masterplan through different prophets in the old testament. We can look back and join all the dots, linking them to the birth of Jesus.
The story of Christmas, focusing on how Jesus came to change the way we connect with God - that we can talk to him and know he hears us.
The birth of Jesus is wonderfully told using Lego in the first session here. Then we have a look at how Jesus was prophesied in the second session. Lots of interesting activites for each!

A wonderful story of how God helped Gideon to believe in the angel's message. 'Putting out a fleece' is something many of us have done. If we have personal examples it would be good to share them.
This is a great story of how God can use anyone, even someone who has no confidence in himself or God! A great opportunity to share what scares us and then pray about it.
Gideon did as he was asked and because of that the Midianites were defeated and the Israelites were saved from destruction once again. God's will was accomplished!
A great example of someone used greatly by God despite his lack of confidence!

Jesus welcomes all! His way of looking at people is radically different from the world's and this parable shows his deep love for those who are on the margins of society.
Responding to God's word without being distracted, giving up when mocked, or being pulled away by the demands of a busy life are challenging for all of us. A relevant and relatable parable.
Who should we love? Not just the people we know and like! Once again, Jesus teaches us the value we should put on everyone and how loving others is often sacrificial and uncomfortable.
Three of Jesus' best-known parables. Great stories with important teaching points about listening and remembering, being loved and caring for others.

A story of temptation, deceit and betrayal as Samson reveals the secret behind his God-given strength.
When Samson died he cried out to God to destroy the Philistines in order to save the Israelites. His prayer was answered when he single-handedly destroyed a pagan temple, dying just as dramatically as he lived.
Samson was far from perfect but he was called by God and led the Israelites for 20 years. In this story we learn about the gift of strength that God gave Samson.
Samson's life is a strange one! He was used by God but he was also tempted into making some seriously bad choices. This story reminds us that God can use anyone to fulfil his purposes.

Easter 2️⃣
In this session, the children get the opportunity to be creative in the activity time, using Lego or Minecraft to depict any scene from the Easter story.
A single session summarising the days leading up to the resurrection of Jesus.

Miracles on the Lake
This is a great story when told simply as a miraculous account of what happened, but also a good opportunity to talk about the 'storms of life' with those who are able to understand the metaphor.
Trusting God and continuing to trust him is often a challenge. This story stands alone as a remarkable example of Peter's faith, but is also impactful as a metaphor for those able to understand.
Jesus and his disciples spent a lot of time around the Sea of Galilee, the largest freshwater lake in Israel. Here are two popular accounts of events that happened on the lake.

Samuel & Saul
Prayer, prophecy, listening to God and answering his call are all strong themes of Samuel's birth and early life. A great opportunity to share examples of God's answers to prayer.
Saul - strong, courageous and handsome - worldly attributes so admired! His was a life of both success and failure, reflecting his obedience (or lack of it) in God.
The way David was sought out by Samuel and anointed as the next king is a wonderful example of how he looks on the heart, not on outward appearance. A lesson we all need to take on board!
The 300-year period of Judges came to an end when King Saul was appointed by Samuel, Israel's last judge. These 3 stories teach us about that significant time in Israel's history.

Names of Jesus
Jesus was described in many different ways but 'The Light' is an easy one to understand. Another opportunity to encourage children to trust in Jesus and follow him.
The imagery of Jesus as a gate, providing entry into God's family and protection against evil, is so helpful when we think about how shepherds would lie across the entrance to the sheepfold at the time Jesus lived.
These sessions focus on thinking about who Jesus was - a man living in Galilee who experienced daily life as it was then; and as the Messiah - 'The Light' and 'The Gate' offering us guidance and salvation.

Father's Day
This session sensitively approaches the fact that not all children live with their own fathers, but there is probably someone who is like a dad to them and Father's Day cards are great for them too.
A good opportunity to think of our dads or other father-figures and say 'thank you'.

A Little Goes Far
Salt and light - a tasting session using both unsalted and salted crisps, and a torch hidden inside a bowl are the visual aids in the teaching part of this session.
When the boy shared his food he may have found it difficult to hand over, but what an incredible story of what happened afterwards. A wonderful example of God's provision through a small act of generosity.
Two stories showing how the effect of seemingly small things can be unlimited when Jesus is involved.

David wrote about half of the Psalms in the bible. They are honest songs and prayers that have been helpful to countless millions of Christians since he wrote them about 3000 years ago. We take a look at verses from Psalms 19, 23 and 139 in this session.
David had a strong friendship with King Saul's son Jonathan, who played a key part in saving David from his father's wrath and determination to kill David. A good opportunity to talk about friends and what they mean to us.
God had prepared David to fight Goliath in both physical ability and faith. He was used to killing lions and bears who attacked his sheep, and he deeply trusted in God's protection. Both those things were enough to give him the confidence he needed to deal with Goliath!
Three sessions on the life of David. Paul described him as a 'man after God's own heart' because, despite his many failings, his heart was fixed on God and he loved him with a passion.

Making Choices
The story of two houses is a great picture of the choice offered to all of of us to build our lives on the strong foundation of following Jesus or to risk facing the storms of life on our own. The teaching includes a visual demonstration using Lego houses, bricks, sand and plenty of water!
In this story, the rich young man does not respond to the new life Jesus offers. He was asked to give up his wealth as that was the one thing that stood between him and a fulfilling life of following Jesus. Sadly, he chose to walk away.
Zacchaeus made some good choices on the day Jesus visited Jericho. He chose to climb a tree so that he could see and be seen by Jesus. He chose to accept Jesus' request to go to his home, and he chose to follow Jesus and give away his ill-gotten wealth. A great day for him!
We all have so many choices to make in life, but the most important one any of us will make is whether to follow Jesus or turn away from him. Each of these stories is easy to understand and all are great discussion starters.

Solomon's downfall is recorded in this story. His was a hugely successful life, but when he was tempted away from loyalty to God, things went wrong, and this had terrible consequences for himself and the next generation. A good opportunity here to talk to children about how important it is to live in peace and harmony with others.
Building a huge Temple in Jerusalem was the dream of King David, but it was his son Solomon who constructed it. It took 7 years, and all the details are recorded in the bible so we know exactly what it would have looked like, the numbers of people involved in the work and all the materials used. An awesome undertaking!
When Solomon became King, he asked God for wisdom to be able to govern well. God was pleased with his request and promised him not only wisdom, but a long life, weath and fame. In this story we see how he used his wisdom to bless others.
Solomon is best known for his wisdom and for the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. He became a powerful man, but he didn't stay loyal to God, which resulted in bad consequences which are looked at in the third session.

Christmas 3️⃣
Included in this teaching is 'An Unexpected Christmas' - a wonderfully imaginative video of the angels finding out that Jesus is to be sent to earth and their horror at what was about to happen. An interesting and moving perspective!
Making a 'Christingle' is central to this session - an enjoyable and meaningful activity with detailed instructions finishing with 'Light the candle (at home)'!
Two great Christmas sessions - the story of Christmas seen from the angels' viewpoint and making a Christingle, as inspired by a german bishop in 1747.

New Year
After watching the story on You Tube, the activities focus on what the bible teaches about how each one of us is made in God’s image and how much we are loved.
What better way to start the New Year than to be reminded that we are 'God's Masterpieces'! Max Lucado's book 'You Are Special', on which the resources here are based, is a story with a wonderful message that God has no favourites. We have been created by him and are all loved equally by him.

Elisha was Elijah's successor, taking over from him when Elijah disappeared into the sky in chariot 'drawn by horses of fire'. The bible teaches that he went to Heaven without dying. Another very dramatic story to share with children.
The story of the contest between Ahab and Elijah is a dramatic example of God's power in the face of blatant evil. 950 prophets of Baal and Asherah were no match for Elijah plus God. Elijah showed extraordinary faith and was not disappointed.
Two of the best-known stories from the life of Elijah - the contest between him and Ahab and then the appointing of his successor, Elisha.

The story of Daniel in the lions' den is another popular children's story. It could have ended so differently if God hadn't decided to save Daniel!
The famous story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace. A potentially horrific punishment for disobedience to the King, but an amazing rescue miracle that children love to hear.
Nebuchadnezzar was a very powerful King but even he had to admit to being scared by a dream. Daniel's interpretation could have cost him his life as it was in no way encouraging! However, the King promoted him instead and God's plan for Daniel's extraordinary life was unfolding.
These stories from the book of Daniel are remarkable accounts of faith under trial and the manifestation of God’s power.

God's Love
The father, the brother, the son - so much to think about in this story, but the main message is again God's love for us and his willingness to forgive and restore.
A wonderful story of God's love for each one of us and the lengths God will go to if we stray. Children and leaders alike need to hear this message over and over again.
Two wonderful parables to show God’s love for all people and his capacity to forgive no matter how much we mess up!
Mother's Day 3️⃣
Another Mother's Day card to make. This one has a space for jokes to be added - Mums like to laugh! All instructions given.
An opportunity to let mums know how much they are loved and appreciated.
Easter 3️⃣
On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus overcoming sin and death. It's the best day of the Christian calendar!
Washing the disciples' feet, encouraging prayer and being like grapes on a vine. All important things Jesus did and said the last time he ate with his disciples before his crucifixion.
Jesus didn't only rise from the dead, but he appeared many times to many people for 40 days before ascending to Heaven. How amazing to have been one of those people!
Three sessions covering Jesus’ death, his resurrection and his many appearances before he ascended to Heaven.

Jonah – a timid, scared and unlikely hero! A wrong decision, a ship, a storm and time spent inside a large fish before the right decision was made. So exciting!
A story about God’s love for all, his willingness to redeem a corrupt group of people and his power to use the miraculous to achieve his purposes.

This story is quite an involved one and has been simplified in activities for the lower levels. The main message is how God used Esther in an extraordinary way to save his people from destruction.
An exciting, dramatic story of God’s intervention in the potential destruction of the Jewish people, made possible through the courage and wisdom of Esther.

I hope you enjoy sharing the excitement of this event as you use these resources. There are booklets for each level, with a variety of activities on each page.
An incredible day of awe and wonder as the disciples experienced the coming of the Holy Spirit.

This session looks at a summary of all 3 missionary journeys of Paul and his final journey to Rome when he was shipwrecked near Malta. A man who stayed true to Jesus right to the very end.
A wonderful story of an imprisoned worshipping duo, an earthquake, and the conversion of a jailer hugely impacted by the choice of Silas and Paul not to escape when they could have.
What an incredible turn around for Paul – from the persecutor to the persecuted; a man who now risked his life to tell others the most important message he had ever heard.
The life of Paul is a very dramatic one, both before and after his conversion; and his 13 letters have powerfully shaped our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
What will Heaven be like? This lesson looks at what the bible teaches and encourages children to imagine what Paul says is unimaginable - through words, pictures or Minecraft.
When talking about Heaven, Paul said: ‘No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him’. 1 Cor 2:9.

Joseph 🏠
The main theme here is trusting God when life is hard. When everything seems to have gone wrong can we trust that God has plans for our lives?
During our lives many of us may experience being wrongfully accused of doing something, but for Joseph the accusation led to imprisonment. Despite this, he still trusted God. What can we learn from him?
Joseph’s relationship with his brothers was not a good one! The question to focus on in this session is about how anger can lead us to do bad things.
Joseph trusted in God through all the bad times, but he could never have anticipated such an amazing turn of events. An interesting discussion point here on how God speaks through dreams and in other ways.
It was within Joseph’s powers to punish his brothers and yet he chose to forgive. This session encourages discussion of the importance of forgiveness.
In these resources, children will be encouraged to think about how God was with Joseph through his whole life, even when he was treated unfairly and life seemed hopeless.

Moses 🏠
The Israelites finally crossed the Jordan to the promised land! Joshua took on the huge and daunting task of leading the people and God gave him a promise that he would never leave him or forsake him – a verse that has helped countless people in all sorts of challenging situations.
The teaching here focuses on God’s promises to be with us when we are afraid, just as he was with Moses when he challenged Pharaoh. The activities focus on the Plagues, with booklets to complete for L1,2 and 3 - all available in the Resource Bundle.
The Ten Commandments were given to the Israelites to give them boundaries and guidelines on how to live well. How relevant are they to us today?
The Tabernacle could only be built with what the Israelites had with them – the gold, silver and fabric that the Egyptians had given them as they left. What can we learn from them about generosity?
As well as learning about the parting of the Red Sea, children will think about food and how God provided for the Israelites then and how he provides for those who don’t have enough today – often through foodbanks.
Fear, injustice, provision, boundaries, and God’s promise to be with us in all circumstances all feature in these sessions on the extraordinary life of Moses.

Jonah 🏠
Do we really believe that anyone can be forgiven? An interesting question to discuss with our children.
Children love the drama of the story of Jonah, but here we focus on the reason God needed Jonah to obey – his amazing love and desire to redeem all.

Christmas 🏠
The videos of the story and Christmas carols work well on an iPad and the idea is that children can watch multiple times if desired!
These resources are a bit different from other Aslan at Home material. There are plenty of great activities as usual, but the teaching part consists of a number of videos - the Christmas story and then a choice of carols to click on.

Jesus Heals 🏠
Jesus responded to Jairus and raised his precious 12-year old daughter from the dead in this wonderful story. Lots to think about and some great activities for all levels.
It seems that Jesus was more interested in the inside of the man than the outside. We focus here on the importance of knowing Jesus as our friend.
It must have been amazing to have been one of the people Jesus touched and healed instantly. These three stories are wonderful examples to share with children.

Miracles on the Lake 🏠
Children love the story of how Jesus calmed the wind and the waves in this story. We can try and imagine what it would have felt like to be on that boat with him and we can talk about how he helps us in our own ‘storms of life’.
Another storm, and this time Jesus wasn’t with the disciples, but he knew where they were and that they needed him. The focus in this session is how Jesus sees us all the time and is ready to come and help us whenever we ask him.
Two well-known and greatly loved stories of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, where he spent so much of his time.

Good Samaritan 🏠
Is it easier to do the right thing when someone is watching you? This story happened on a remote road where there were no onlookers. An interesting discussion point!
A well-known parable where Jesus answers the question 'Who is my neighbour?'

The Sower 🏠
For the seeds of God’s word to grow in us, they need to ‘land well’ and being distracted or pulled away isn’t usually our intention. But God understands and always wants to help us. Lots to talk about with this parable.
In this parable, Jesus used language that was easy to understand 2000 years ago and it is still one of the easier parables to explain to children.
The Great Feast 🏠
We are all invited to follow God and he likens our indifference or refusal to being invited to a brilliant party and not bothering to come. The invitation is the greatest we will ever receive, and it just requires us to say ‘Yes!’.
This parable teaches that God's invitation to come to him is for everyone. He has no favourites.

Easter 🏠
A day of triumph and joy as Jesus rose from the dead and proved to be just who he said he was. Hallelujah!
Sharing this story with children is so sad, and it is horrible to think of Jesus being so afraid just before his arrest. BUT we know it wasn’t the end – Sunday is coming!
‘Whenever you do something for someone in need it’s as if you’re doing it for me’. An important lesson for children – that Jesus loves us to give and puts great value on things that are especially sacrificial for us.
We don’t know how many of those who shouted ‘Hosanna’ on Palm Sunday then shouted ‘Crucify him!’ a few days later. How easily are any of us influenced by what our friends say and do? Something important to talk about.
The thought of Jesus being angry might surprise some children. A good opportunity here to think about what makes us angry and when it is okay to express that anger.
These sessions go through the events of the last week of Jesus’ life and will help children to understand the significance of who he was and what he did for us.

Ascension 🏠
For 40 days Jesus appeared to different people before returning to Heaven. It must have been sad for the disciples to see Jesus go, but they obediently waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit… with little idea of how incredible that would be.
Jesus appeared to many people after he rose from the dead. Thomas famously doubted, and his reaction gives children opportunity to talk about their own difficulties in believing.

Pentecost 🏠
A great booklet to complete on the story of Pentecost, with picture matching at L1 and different activities to do on each page for the other levels. All booklets downloadable in the Resource Bundle.
When Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, none of the disciples could have anticipated how life-changing it would be. What an incredible day!
You are Special 🏠
The Wemmicks were obsessed with success and good looks. This is a wonderful story of how Punchinello discovers how much he is loved simply for who he is.
This story has a great message – that we are all God’s masterpieces, made by him and loved by him. He has no favourites!

Pray and Sing 🏠
For each level there are instructions for making the prayer card. The cards have spaces for a variety of prayers and the songs are some of the Aslan favourites. Cards and Song Choices are downloadable in the Resource Bundle.
A prayer card to print off and song choices to download and open on a phone or iPad.

Caring for our World 🏠
We touch on environmental issues in this session and there’s a brilliant video taken in April 2020 during the first lockdown, when the whole world benefitted from the drastic cut in travel. Cleaner places, cleaner air and animals roaming free.
The teaching and activities in this topic focus on what a wonderful world God has created and how we need to care for it.

Back to School 🏠
A helpful way to pray through things to look forward to and things that may be worrying. Spaces to name friends, teachers and others who help to make school a good place to be. The cards are available in the Resource Bundle.
A prayer card for returning to school after a break. 'Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.'