New Testament

Making Choices

We all have so many choices to make in life, but the most important one any of us will make is whether to follow Jesus or turn away from him. Each of these stories are easy to understand and great discussion starters.

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Making Choices

Rich Young Man

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Luke 18
rich young man
following Jesus

In this story, the rich young man does not respond to the new life Jesus offers. He was asked to give up his wealth as that was the one thing that stood between him and a fulfilling life of following Jesus. Sadly, he chose to walk away.

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Making Choices


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Luke 19
Tax Collector

Zacchaeus made some good choices on the day Jesus visited Jericho. He chose to climb a tree so that he could see and be seen by Jesus. He chose to accept Jesus' request to go to his home, and he chose to follow Jesus and give away his ill-gotten wealth. A great day for him!

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Making Choices

Wise or Foolish

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Bible Reference:
Matthew 7
parable of houses
wise or foolish
rock foundation
following Jesus

The story of two houses is a great picture of the choice offered to all of of us to build our lives on the strong foundation of following Jesus or to risk facing the storms of life on our own. The teaching includes a visual demonstration using Lego houses, bricks, sand and plenty of water!

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