YouTube Playlists


Music has been a huge part of my life – primarily as a school music teacher, but also as someone involved in music worship since the mid-1970s as singer, guitarist and keyboard player.

I consider music a very important part of any Christian gathering, and you’ll see that on every lesson plan there are usually 2 songs included, chosen to be closely linked to the theme where possible.  

I often think I would like to add more music to our sessions, and maybe another group of children would respond differently, but in our Aslan group some love to sing while others really don’t!  Others join in when they are younger, but then decide they don’t want to as they get older.  Because of this, and as a compromise, we don’t have more than 2 songs.

However, for the one boy who loves music more than any other activity, we make special arrangements to have extra songs on a Kindle in a separate room when the others are working through their activities. He loves this time and enjoys the opportunity to choose his favourites.  Also, interestingly, one mum sent me a lovely video of her daughter dancing at home to one of the songs, while at Aslan she is very shy and doesn’t sing, dance or join in!


Songs for Aslan Playlist

All lesson plans include links to songs on You Tube. This playlist includes over 40 of those songs. We have videos rather than live music because, for those unwilling or unable to sing, there is always something to watch – either groups of young people doing actions as in  We Thank You, cartoon characters as in Hosanna, or Lego Superheroes to watch, as in another of our favourites Jesus You're my Superhero.

Christmas Carols for Aslan

There are over 25 Christmas carols on this playlist, ranging from the traditional Silent Night to the more recent Oh What a Glorious Night. Plenty to choose from!